Alexander Soros
Net Worth: $20 billion*
Wealth Inherited From: George Soros (Father)
Alex Soros is the child of tycoon giver and money manager George Soros. He went to NYU and Berkeley, the last option of which conceded him a Ph.D. ever. He is the Open Society Foundations appointee seat, and he additionally has an effective composing profession. He has distributed his writing in Politico, The Guardian, The Forward and some more.
He is likewise a giver like his dad. He has added to the Jewish Funds for Justice, which is an American foundation helping Jewish causes. He likewise is on the leading body of Global Witness, which crusades against denials of basic freedoms by worldwide organizations in helpless nations.
He likewise works with ecological activists, giving out significant awards each year to assist with halting annihilation of the Amazon rainforest and to work on the lives and working states of homegrown worldwide laborers.