1 Clean Up Face With Warm Water.
Before applying pore strips, it is advisable to regularly cleanse. This will help eliminate dirt and oil build-up while opening up pores so the strips will work more effectively.
- Note that when applying the pore strips, no cosmetics should be in your skin.
2 Put A Spoonful Of Milk And Gelatin In A Compartment.
As with most recipes, milk and gelatin should be combined in equal measures; typically around one tablespoon per component will suffice; though you may discover you require less.
- Any type of milk should work, from whole to skim to almond or soy.
- Gelatin should be unflavored to reduce any accidental contamination of the pore strip with extraneous materials.
- Individuals often recommend adding a drop or two of lavender essential oil into the mix for additional scent.
3 Mix It Thoroughly
Combine milk and gelatin until they form one mass; when complete, your final result should have a thick, stout, overcast look.