Medications And Professional Treatments For Pores And Blemishes

Medications And Professional Treatments For Pores And Blemishes

3 Try Dermaplaning

Similar to dermabrasion, dermaplaning allows dermatologists to remove the outer layer of skin without scratching, by “planing” away its layers in back-and-forth motions.

4 Zap Blemishes Away

Your local aesthetician will have a high-frequency machine which uses current to kill microorganisms that cause skin imperfections, like acne. A small cathode will then be run over each flaw until they appear smaller within hours.

  • Zeno devices are similar to high-recurrence machines; the main difference being they’re portable and battery powered.

5 Get A Cortisone Injection

Your dermatologist can inject cortisone into an acne blemish to reduce it within 24 hours; however, this treatment option should only be considered when other medicines have not worked to improve it.