The Most Effective Method To Purify Your Skin With Honey

The Most Effective Method To Purify Your Skin With Honey

6 Combine Honey And Yoghurt.

Honey and yogurt make an effective combination for treating skin blemishes. Simply combine 1 tablespoon (14.8 ml) of honey in a bowl or dish before stirring in 1 teaspoon (1 ml) of plain yogurt until everything has mixed well, then rub your hands over your face after cleaning up!

  • Allow it to set for 10 or 15 minutes before washing it off with warm water.
  • Once your skin has been cleansed, apply a cream.
  • As another option, try mixing four tablespoons of yogurt with two tablespoons of honey for an alternative option.

7 Use Honey And Cinnamon.

This blend can be applied before bedtime and left on throughout the evening. Pour two tablespoons of honey into a small dish. After that, stir in 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder until all components have combined into a glue. Upon reaching this consistency, carefully apply to face.

  • Allow it to dry before going to bed.
  • Flush your system out with warm water first thing in the morning to clean out your system and remove impurities.
  • Another option is simply flushing it off after 30 minutes.