Top 8 Harmful Chemicals To Avoid In Skin Care

Top 8 Harmful Chemicals To Avoid In Skin Care


Parabens are widely used as additives in personal care products such as creams, shampoos and establishments. Recently there has been much discussion regarding whether parabens are safe to use – some believe too much exposure to parabens may contribute to breast cancer while others feel exposure is only harmful in extreme circumstances; ultimately all skins respond differently depending on environmental exposures and skin type; for anyone concerned, there are numerous products without parabens on the market that might offer protection from these additives.


Sulfates One of the ingredients often debated for safety when used is Sulfates. You are probably using them daily in products from toothpaste to cleaning agents that contain foaming agents containing SLS or SLES; most often these two forms are combined together and applied topically on skin surface areas to enhance foaming capabilities. Some argue it causes no adverse reaction when in small doses, but others contend it may contribute to cancer when combined with other chemicals or heated.


Phthalates are widely used as oils (conditioners) in beauty care products. You can find them in items like nail clean, lotions, shampoos, hair showers toys cleansers and cleansers. Unfortunately these phthalates have been linked with breast cancer and premature birth surrender in males and females respectively; furthermore pthalates could potentially impact chemicals; unfortunately some products hide these scents more effectively than others; here are a few different strategies you can employ to avoid these endocrine disruptors