Guidelines To Make Almond Whitening Cream

Guidelines To Make Almond Whitening Cream

2 Mix The Ground Almonds With Yogurt, Honey, And Lemon Juice

In a small bowl, mix unsweetened natural yogurt with ground almonds, nectar weighing around 1 teaspoon (7 g), and lemon juice amounting to approximately 2 teaspoons (10 ml). Ensure each ingredient has been fully amalgamated into the mixture.

  • Yogurt contains lactic corrosive, which gently peels away dead skin to alleviate dark spots on your face.
  • Lemon contains cell reinforcements that help shield skin from sun damage.
  • Lemon juice contains high levels of nutrient C, which helps protect skin cells from becoming dull over time. This will keep wrinkles at bay.

3 Place The Cream In A Container And Store It In The Fridge.

As soon as all ingredients have been blended together, transfer the cream to an airtight container or other sealed compartment and store in the fridge to prevent it from turning sour.

  • Cream should remain fresh for approximately one to fourteen days before discarding it due to any signs of mold growth. If any form of spoilage does appear, discard immediately.
  • If the formula produces more than what can be consumed within 1-14 days, adjust accordingly.