Instructions To Use Coconut Water For Skincare

Instructions To Use Coconut Water For Skincare

2 Treating Specific Skin Issues

1 Scowl Veil For Dry Skin With Coconut Water

For dry skin, combine coconut water and turmeric powder until they form a paste-like consistency, adding just a sprinkle of coconut oil for spreading purposes. Apply this mask onto your face for 10 minutes, before washing off completely afterwards – you may find your complexion feels softer after applying this mask!

Coconut oil may give skin an oily appearance as it’s highly comedogenic. If your complexion tends toward oiliness, however, opt instead for coconut water and turmeric instead as these will help nourish and tighten skin cells more effectively than coconut oil does.

2 Treat Acne With Coconut Water.

Coconut water is known for being antimicrobial and antibacterial, making it the perfect treatment for skin break outs, inflammation scars, or any other imperfections on your skin. Leave it on overnight before washing it off the next morning when you wake up – some individuals have even reported experiencing reduced imperfections and inflammation from exposure to coconut water!

  • Coconut water can also help with clearing up breakouts by applying it directly.
  • Whenever your primary care doctor has suggested following a specific plan for skin inflammation, ask their advice prior to using coconut water as a treatment solution for breakout issues.

3 Use Coconut Water As A Skin Toner.

Commercial skin toners often contain harmful synthetic substances. Before bed, soak a washcloth in coconut water and scour it over your skin with it before falling asleep with it still set out on your pillowcase. If your skin responds favorably to coconut water, the result should be smoother, more even skin!

  • This may also help with diminishing signs of aging.

4 Treat A Dry Scalp With Coconut Water.

If your scalp is dry and susceptible to dandruff, try massaging some coconut water into it to saturate it and decrease dandruff. Due to its antifungal and antibacterial properties, coconut water has proven effective at combatting this condition compared to synthetic conditioners alone. When finished using it on your head, simply wash it away when done!