Reasons To Eat More Brussels Sprouts

Reasons To Eat More Brussels Sprouts

Uplifting news about one of our beloved cruciferous vegetables.

Brussels sprouts have seen an upswing in popularity over time. No longer are home cooks restricted to boiling them on the stove top; nowadays home chefs have more tools at their disposal for creating delectable tasting Brussels sprouts dishes at home. But these tasty mini cabbages also bring with them many health advantages!

Battling Fatty Liver Sickness

Eating Brussels Sprouts may be one way of combatting nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). A research project conducted at Texas A&M College revealed that levels of indole are lower among individuals with fat accumulation around their liver than individuals without this accumulation. Experts further suggest that indole can lessen inflammation caused by NAFLD. As such, Brussels sprouts and other cruciferous vegetables that produce indole could potentially be used as treatment against it; try our recipe for Parmesan-Crusted Brussels Sprouts to incorporate more indole into your diet!

Bringing Down Risk Of Chronic Disease

One cup of Brussels sprouts provides 12 percent of your Daily Value of Dietary Fiber, and eating more fiber may help lower the risk of chronic diseases. Researchers from College of Otago in New Zealand conducted a meta-examination encompassing 180 studies and 50 clinical preliminaries on fiber consumption; their analysis demonstrated a 15 to 30% lower risk of sudden passing or ongoing illnesses in those consuming high levels of dietary fiber versus those who didn’t get nearly as much. They noted the lower risks for coronary illness, type 2 diabetes and colorectal cancer among them as well as controlling glucose levels by improving control systems with high fiber.

Working On Bone Health

Brussels Sprouts may offer a significant source of vitamin C – with an 80% Daily Value, they could potentially assist women going through menopause in improving bone thickness. A 2018 audit from Poland’s Clinical College of Lublin highlighted results of studies comparing vitamin C intake among more mature and more youthful women, showing a correlation between higher vitamin C consumption and positive bone mineral thickness scores as well as reduced fracture risks. Furthermore, vitamin C supports multiple elements of immunity. Add more to your diet through Salt and Vinegar Sheet-Dish Chicken or Brussels Sprouts recipes!

Reducing Inflammation

Reducing Inflammation Because they contain so much vitamin C, Brussels sprouts may help reduce inflammation. Vitamin C acts as a cell protector against free radical formation while also decreasing oxidative pressure which leads to irritation.

Fighting Cancer

New research suggests that an ingredient found in Brussels sprouts and other cruciferous vegetables could aid in combatting cancer development. Scientists at Beth Israel Deaconess Clinical Center discovered indole-3-carbinol can block powerful chemicals known to drive disease development, as well as inhibit qualities that suppress tumours from spreading further. They observed I3C can act as growth silencers; try our recipe for Simmered Brussels Sprouts with Goat Cheese and Pomegranate as an example!

Lowering Blood Pressure

Cutting back on salt intake alone won’t do the trick in terms of lowering your blood pressure, according to scientists at the College of Southern California who conducted 70 examinations on circulatory strain. They noted that adding more potassium-rich vegetables like Brussels Sprouts may lessen its adverse impact on your body’s sodium consumption – this dish contains 7 % of your DV of potassium! To up your potassium consumption even further try Barbecued Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Honey-Balsamic Coating Recipe or try our Barbecued Barbecued Brussels Sprouts Recipe with Barbequed Bacon Honey-Balsamic Coating dish!

Keeping You Sharp

As you age, to keep your brain sharp it can help to incorporate several cups of Brussels sprouts into your diet. A 1-cup serving provides 130% of the Daily Value of Vitamin K which may enhance mental function. Researchers from France’s College of Infuriates evaluated its effect on geriatric patients. They discovered an correlation between increasing vitamin K consumption and improved cognitive capabilities – you might try our recipe of Simmered Gnocchi and Brussels Sprouts with Meyer Lemon Vinaigrette to get more vitamin K!

Primary Concern

Brussels sprouts offer seemingly limitless health advantages. Packed full of essential vitamins and minerals for good health, they’re also just 40 calories for one cup serving – adding them to your diet could even assist with weight reduction! No matter whether they’re cooked in boiling water, sauteed on a skillet, or barbecued. Brussels sprouts make great healthy snacks!