Best Practices For Taking Care Of Your Face

Best Practices For Taking Care Of Your Face

7 Peel A Few Times Per Week.

Peeling removes both dead skin cells as well as dirt, oil, and pollution build-up on the surface of your skin. Start by applying a dime-sized dose of exfoliant to your fingertips and rub gently over your skin for 30 seconds, before flushing away with warm water and wiping off.

  • Compound strips may also be an option if you would prefer not to use a scrub to peel your skin.
  • Maintain a reasonable peeling frequency as this could potentially irritate and disturb your skin.

8 Do A Self-Exam Every Month.

Regular skin tests are an invaluable way of detecting potential issues like melanoma. Consult a specialist or dermatologist if any changes arise; things to look for include the following.

  • New moles
  • Raised moles
  • Moles turning a darker color
  • Moles changing size
  • Open sores
  • Pink growths with raised edges and a lower center
  • Raised red patches
  • Patches of scaly red skin
  • Small bumps
  • Flat yellow areas