Effective Skincare Morning Routine Guide For Dry Skin

Effective Skincare Morning Routine Guide For Dry Skin
  1. Apply moisturiser. Now is an ideal time to use any special creams designed to address dry patches on your skin before selecting an everyday lotion designed for sensitive skin. Simply apply a thin layer, massaging in circular movements. If your skin is particularly parched, look for rich creams instead – in an ideal scenario they would come together seamlessly as one.
  2. Apply sun cream. Choose a broad spectrum (UVA and UVB protection) sun cream that offers optimal skin protection; choosing one specifically tailored for dry or sensitive skin could even help maintain its hydration throughout the day!
  • Choose an item with at least 20 SPF protection and water resistance, for optimal results.

Choose either tinted lotion for overall use or mineral foundation for dry skin if that is what you prefer. Apply only a small amount and if additional concealment or highlighters are necessary.