How To Make Your Own Pore Strips Using A Milk And Gelatin At Home

How To Make Your Own Pore Strips Using A Milk And Gelatin At Home

4 Heat The Blend

Heat Your Blend You should aim to heat the combination until it reaches an acceptable temperature, yet remains warm without becoming scorching hot. Either use the microwave or an oven. When using the former method, make sure you do so in an area safe for microwave use (i.e. the container must not overheat during heating).

  • In case of microwaving, heat the mixture for 10 seconds.
  • For best results when using an oven, place a small container into it. Gradually increase heat and add in ingredients until everything has reached a temperature that you can monitor easily – stop when the mixture has become warm but not hot.

5 Permit The Combination To Cool Somewhat.If using the microwave, remove its holder. Allow 20 seconds of cooling time before reviewing its results: it should now appear noticeably cloudier than previously.

6 Test The Temperature. Use a brush to test the temperature on your hand – it should feel warm but not hot – by dabbing a small amount of blend on it and testing its effect on it. Observe how it feels on both of your hands before adding more blend onto it and testing again on both hands.