7 Apply The Combination Across Your Face.
With either a cosmetics brush or your fingers, evenly apply the mixture across your entire facial surface, targeting areas in which flare-ups have occurred in the past.
- If you use a cosmetics brush, be sure to wipe it clean prior to reusing it.
8 Delay Until The Blend Solidifies.
As soon as your blend cools down, it should harden into a veil-like structure that should take around 10-20 minutes to set in place. As more time passes by, more likely is it that it will attach itself to soil particles within pores in your body allowing more effective removal of soil; thus it is best to leave it on for longer.
8 Delay Until The Blend Solidifies.
Inning order to safely peel away the mixture, start from outside and work your way inward, stripping slowly off any solidified blend on your face. Don’t rush, as trying to take all at once may result in hurting yourself!
10 Wash And Moisturize
Once you’ve removed the strip, rinse your face with cold water to rid of any leftover bits of makeup that have adhered to the surface of your skin and close any pores that remain open. Finally, apply lotion.