How To Take Care Of Dry Skin

How To Take Care Of Dry Skin

2 ) Protecting Your Skin

Protect Your Skin From The Sun

If you want long-lasting results, build an everyday practice into your routine. In order to see true changes on your skin, saturating and nurturing it regularly over time is required if you want real change to show. Be diligent, consistent, and patient: eventually results will come. Just ensure that each day for as long as possible before stopping your regiment!

Use A Mild Soap

As temperatures cool down, humidity levels drop rapidly and air starts pulling moisture from our skin, leading to dryness and even possible flakiness. In order to protect yourself against this effect, wear comfortable clothing that covers you up as well as using moisturizing products on your body to retain any excess moisture that escapes and apply moisturizers that seal in what moisture remains from moist air sources.

Check Your Home For Hard Water

The sun can also contribute to dry skin issues by irritating it and causing damage. You also risk skin cancer with too much sun exposure; make sure that when heading outside on an intensely sunny day you wear protective attire as much as possible and for any areas left exposed use sunscreen for additional protection.

Maintain A Healthy Humidity In Your Home

However, some cleansers, particularly those containing high concentrations of synthetic surfactants can be especially harsh on your skin and lead to irreparable damage and dryness. It’s essential that you choose an appropriate cleanser tailored specifically for your needs so as to prevent dryness.

Check Your Home For Hard Water

Hard water, or water that contains an abundance of calcium, is common around the world and shouldn’t pose any immediate threats to human health; however, its abundance can irritate and dry out skin due to leaving behind some calcium deposits on its surface. You should have your home tested for hard water to see whether this might be contributing to skin issues.

Maintain A Healthy Humidity In Your Home

Like winter air can be detrimental, all forms of dry air can lead to chapped skin. A humidifier can help combat this – as an ideal starting point, running one in your bedroom at night time may also aid with restful sleeping!