Instructions To Have A Good Skin Care Regimen In Pre Teens

Instructions To Have A Good Skin Care Regimen In Pre Teens

3 Moisturize

Moisturizers leave skin feeling soft, smooth and bright while providing essential hydration for its continued vitality and protection against drying out. Visit your pharmacy and purchase one.

4 Treat Acne, If Needed.

To address skin breakout, purchase and use products designed specifically for people suffering from skin break out such as gentle cleanser or an anti-break out cream. [4] Advise them not to pop their pimples as this can make the problem worse! Eventually if symptoms don’t improve on its own consult a dermatologist.

Use products containing alpha and beta hydroxy acids 1-2 times every week to assist with dead skin removal and help get rid of dead cells that accumulate on your body.

5 Peel.

Encourage her to exfoliate once a week in order to effectively combat dead skin cell accumulation. They could make their own exfoliator at home using lemon juice, sugar and salt; or for sensitive skin types combining sugar with olive oil may work better. Browse online plans or purchase an exfoliator designed specifically for gentle use -[6] just ensure it’s gentle!