3 Utilize A Concealer Just To Conceal Flaws Or Under-eye Circles.
Carefully apply just a small amount of concealer with either your finger or wipe to problem areas depending on the situation. For best results when using a concealer wand, dab several circles on pain points before mixing with your finger to blend into skin color naturally. Remember not to oversaturate and alter skintone by over-correcting. Your normally-hydrated complexion should remain visible.
4 Apply A Powder To Regions That Are Extremely Oily.
Instead of brushing an all-over powder over your skin, use a smaller powder or fan brush to apply only a tiny bit to areas that appear dry or shiny. For instance, if your T-zone or jaw are particularly oily or shiny, add just a tiny amount to that space to balance out its level of gloss with that of other parts of your face.